Reopening Covenant

Reopening Covenant

Spring Valley UMC, Metro District                                                        

7700 Spring Valley Rd., Dallas, Tx.

Larry Jackson, Chairperson Trustees

Rev. Paul Gould, Sr. Pastor

Rev. Debra Hobbs-Mason, District Superintendent


June 15, 2020

Title: New Normal

Aim: Provide the highest quality worship, educational, and fellowship experiences for the maximum        number of people under the safest possible conditions.

Guidelines to be Followed: Texas Department of Health, North Texas Conference, Dallas County Risk Level Assessment

Covenant Spirit to be Practiced: A Covenant is a relationship of caring.  Best policies will be instituted for mutual protection and practiced with the well-being of others in mind. We will observe these best practices of caring for others because Christ cares for them and for us. 



This Covenant provides for:

1.     Maximum Safety

a.     Social Distancing

b.     Minimize “Shared Air”

c.      Minimize “Shared Surface Contact”

2.     Maximum Worship Quality and Fellowship Connections under safe conditions

Venues for Ministry:

1.     On-site

2.     Online

Characteristics of Covenant:

1.     Phased (to include risk level assessment as determined by Dallas County)*

2.     Flexible



Important Observations from the Congregational Survey conducted in May 2020

1.     A large number of persons plan to return to church soon after the reopening.

2.     A large number of persons plan to return to Sunday School soon upon its reopening.

3.     A large number of persons have utilized online worship and have had a positive experience.

4.     A significant number of groups are meeting online for Sunday School or other ministry opportunities. (2 adult classes, youth ministry, children’s ministry, covenant group, preschool ministry)

5.     A number of people indicated flexibility in their willingness to change from their regular schedule for worship, education, and fellowship to accommodate the phased in reopening.


Estimated Seating Capacities Observing Social Distancing (6-foot spacing, alternating pews, staggering seating):

1.     Sanctuary and Balcony – 130

2.     Wesley – 50

3.     Asbury – 30

Worship Plan:

1.     Initial reopening will be with two services –11:00 Traditional and 11:00 Common Ground

2.     Venue for Common Ground – Wesley Hall

3.     Venue for 11:00 Traditional – Sanctuary

4.     Weekly online worship will be continued at 11:00 am. This option is recommended for those not feeling well, not ready to return for whatever reason, or are homebound.  This worship service will be live streamed and will also be recorded for later viewing if desired.

            11:00 Common Ground Worship  

1.     Parking will be available in the south lot with entry to the building by the south portico near Wesley Hall.

2.     A table will be set up outside on covered portico with hand sanitizers and masks available.

3.     Everyone must wear a mask or facial covering upon entering the building and while engaging in worship. 

4.     Easy to read signage will be posted at table and on Wesley doors.

(“Greet One Another with Holy Care: Mask, Sanitize, and Safely Distance”)

5.     A greeter will be stationed at the outside table to encourage the use of sanitizers, masks and social distancing and to monitor a spaced entering of Wesley Hall.

6.     Building entry doors will be propped open. 

7.     Children will remain in pews for Children’s moment.

8.     Rest rooms will be available in Wesley Wing and Asbury Wing.  Signs on the restroom doors to note the maximum occupancy of one person at a time.

9.     The entry doors to Wesley Hall will be propped open.

10.  Seating will be arranged with six feet distancing.

11.  Ushers will assist in directing people to open seating.

12.  Persons are encouraged to sit in the most central seats available on any row, unless there are medical or other extenuating conditions.

13.  Attendance sign in and prayer concern cards will be available on seats.  These will be deposited in a designated box on exiting.

14.  Worship leader will sing all music.

15.  There will be no congregational singing or any speaking louder than conversational volume – Worshippers may use “Praise Chorus Humming”.

16.  The screen will be used for congregational announcements, song lyrics, and Scripture texts. No Bibles or other worship assists will be available during worship.

17.  The Offering will be received in a box by the back door on way out of worship.

18.  Dismissal will be done by the pastor starting at the back to and working to the front.

19.  Once dismissed from worship, people will exit the building immediately.

20.  The pastor will not greet persons by the doors.  The pastor will be available for greeting outside the building with appropriate social distancing practiced.

21.  Any fellowship is encouraged outside with appropriate social distancing practiced and masks recommended.

22.  Nursery care will not be available in our initial phase.

11:00 Traditional Worship

1.     Parking will be available in the north lot with entry to the building by the front steps.

2.     Tables will be set up outside on covered portico with hand sanitizers and masks available.

3.     Everyone must wear a mask or facial covering upon entering the building and while engaging in worship.

4.     Easy to read signage will be posted at table and on Sanctuary Doors.

(“Greet One Another with Holy Care: Mask, Sanitize, and Safely Distance)

5.     Greeters will be stationed at entry tables to encourage the use of sanitizers, masks and social distancing and to monitor a spaced entering of the loggia.

6.     The building entry doors will be propped open.

7.     Children will remain in pews for Children’s moment.

8.     Rest rooms will be available by the offices and in the Asbury wing. Signs on the restroom doors to note maximum capacity of one person at a time.

9.     After entering the building persons will be directed to proceed immediately to their seats.

10.  The doors to the sanctuary will be propped open.

11.  The doors to the Narthex will be propped open at the beginning and the end of worship.  During worship they can be closed as is the normal practice.

12.  Seating will be arranged with six feet distancing.  Pews will be alternately roped off, seating staggered and availability designated by signage.

13.  Persons will be encouraged to sit in the centermost seats available in the pew, unless there are medical or other extenuating circumstances.

14.  Ushers will assist in directing persons to available seating.  

15.  Attendance sign in and prayer concern cards will be available on seats.  These will be deposited in designated box on exiting.  Persons are encouraged to use their own pens.

16.  The Director of Music will arrange for all music.

17.  There will be no congregational singing or any speaking louder than conversational volume.  Worshippers may use “Hymn Humming”.

18.  The front screens will be used for hymn lyrics, worship liturgy and Scripture reading. No Bibles or hymnals will be available in the sanctuary.

19.  The offering will be received by a box on the way out of worship.

20.  Dismissal is done back to front using side, not center, aisles. The pastor will direct the dismissal.

21.  After dismissal, the ushers will encourage worshippers to exit the building directly. 

22.  The pastor will not be available to greet persons by the doors.  He will be available outside on the steps for greeting with social distancing.

23.  Any fellowship is encouraged outside with appropriate social distancing practiced and masks recommended.

24.  Nursery Care will not be available during this initial phase.


Communion will be observed in both services on the first Sunday of the month with individually, pre-packaged fellowship cups. These contain both the wafer and the juice.  They will be picked up on entering worship from two tables on either side of the loggia or one table on entering Wesley Hall.  At the end of worship, parishioners will carry out their used cups and throw them away in hallway trash receptacles.

No coffee or refreshments will be served until it is safe to do so as indicated by the Dallas Health Department.

Water fountains will be disabled until the Dallas Health Department indicates that public water fountains are safe.  Bottled water will be available in case of need.

Sunday School and Small Group Ministry Plan:

Adult Sunday School Classes will continue to meet “virtually” during the initial reopening phase.

            Children’s Classes will do lessons online at parent’s convenience.

            Youth will meet online on Sunday nights, 6:00 p.m.

Sunday School for children, youth and adults will resume at church when permitted by the Bishop and we can safely provide for the health and well being of all attendees in their classrooms, the hallways and elevator.


Special Services and Outside Groups:

Memorial Services and funerals may be conducted under the guidelines of Traditional 11:00 a.m. worship.

Weddings may be conducted under the guidelines of the Traditional 11:00 a.m. worship.

Scheduling of all outside groups will be initiated when the Dallas Risk Assessment indicates it is safe to gather.




Personal hygiene and mask/scarf requirements

§  Face masks or scarves covering the mouth and nose are required before entry for every person. You can bring your own or one will be provided.  Masks made by the Craft Group will also be for sale. 

§  Signage will be placed on all exterior entry points requiring masks/scarves be worn inside the building, encouraging the use of hand sanitizer, and emphasizing the use of social distancing.

§  Hand Sanitizer dispensers will be located at all entry points.


Congregational Movement

§  Entry and exit to the building will be limited into the Loggia and the portico doors by Wesley Hall.  All other exterior doors will be limited to exit only. Security keypads will be disabled with appropriate signage placed accordingly. 

§  Ushers and greeters will direct and expedite continual movement once persons are in the building.  

§   Two 8’-long tables will be placed outside on covered portico with a hand sanitizer on each end along with a sign that directs the following requirements: face masks, hand sanitizer, 6’ social distancing, and continued movement indoors.

§  Ushers will acknowledge people as they transit the Narthex and direct them to available seating .

§  The use of permanent hand sanitizers already mounted on the walls in the Loggia or placed on two small tables, each one with one (1) sanitizer, against the walls near the entry to the narthex will be available for congregants once inside the building. Frequent use will be encouraged for staff, ushers, and greeters.

§  Stanchions with cord or belt divides will mark two “walkways” in the loggia.  These will guide into the right or left side of the sanctuary or to the rest rooms.

§  Signage on the floor will remind everyone of 6’ social distancing.

Determination of which areas to remain closed

§  Any areas with doors not intended to be used (Children’s and Preschool and Youth etc.) will be locked and closed to prevent entry.

§  A fabric “gate” will be erected across applicable hallways as a barrier to prevent people from walking into closed areas.

§  “Closed” signage will be placed on doors to unauthorized areas:  kitchens, small dining room, Confirmation Room. 

§  Work room area, copy machine, and adult Sunday School boxes in work room closed off with limited access (1 person at a time) provided through Volunteer Office.


Cleaning Plan for open areas

§  Regular cleaning will be done to ensure all door handles, push plates, handrails, pew rails, hand sanitizer tables, and rest rooms are cleaned in between services.

§  Frequent cleaning and disinfecting will be done on touched surfaces.

§  Deep cleaning will be done during the week.





Health Protocols for employees, volunteers, facilities:


Training on appropriate cleaning/disinfecting techniques

Train all employees and volunteers on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.








Screening of employees and volunteers


All employees, volunteers and visitors are asked to wash or sanitize their hands as they enter the building.

All employees and volunteers are to report to Sharon Clark’s office to have their temperature taken and to answer the following health questions:

Have they or anyone they have come in contact with been experiencing:

- Cough

- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

- Chills

- Repeated shaking with chills

- Muscle pain

- Headache

- Sore throat

- Loss of taste or smell

- Diarrhea

- Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees

- Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

If any of the above questions is answered affirmatively, employees or volunteers will not return to work until:


In the case of an employee or volunteer who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to work when all three of the following criteria are met:

- at least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications); and the individual has improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared;


In the case of an employee or volunteer who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to work until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above;


If the employee or volunteer has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to work before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on an alternative diagnosis.

No employee or volunteer with known close contact to a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19 will return to work until the end of the 14 day self-quarantine period from the last date of exposure (with an exception granted for healthcare workers and critical infrastructure workers).

All employees, volunteers and visitors are asked to maintain at least 6 feet separation from other individuals when in proximity of one another. If such distancing is not feasible, then other measures including face covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced.

Employees, volunteers, and visitors are asked to wear cloth face coverings (over the nose and mouth) when in proximity of others.


Planning Considerations

A New Normal Practice Session will be scheduled for all interested to attend before reopening. This will allow us to experience the New Normal behaviors before our actual reopening.  The scheduling will be done once the Bishop has given us the “go ahead” to open.

A video will be made of a typical worship visit before reopening and posted on the website.


Congregational Notification

·       When to announce – (As soon as Bishop gives the Go Ahead)

·       How to begin education/announcements

o   Behold…include a letter from The Bishop if there is one with guidelines

o   SS newsletters

o   Constant Contact letter

o   Video with link from all above

o   Announce basic steps in online worship at appropriate time

Record video of typical worship visit and post to website once the Bishop has cleared the churches for Reopening.

Schedule time for Reopening Practice Session once the Bishop has cleared the churches for a Reopening.