Let there be light.

Good morning!  I’m glad to be together on this Tuesday in the Pastor’s Workshop.

This week we’re continuing our series, “Begin with Basics”.  So far our messages have “traced” through Genesis 1:1.  We started with “In the beginning, God…”  We followed that with “..., God created…” This week we’re onto verse 3, “God said, Let there be light…”  Our title for this week, “Begin with Basics: Shine a Light”.

Our companion texts for this week are John 1:6-9 and Matthew 5:14-16.  We refer to these passages as a way of expanding our thinking on the Scripture, Genesis 1:3, and particularly the phrase, “Let there be light”.

On Monday we immersed ourselves in the three texts.  In “saturating” ourselves in these Scriptures we sought to be open to “suggestions” from the Spirit of ideas and images that would become part of Sunday’s message.

On Tuesday we “go deeper”.  Is there an “underlying thread”, theme, or logic that unites the texts? But more than uniting the texts, does this deeper logic also “tie the texts” into our lives?

In Genesis 1:1-3 we learned we have a God who is creative and creating.  As part of that creativity, in the midst of emptiness God says, “Let there be.”  And when God says, “Let there be”, the “first moving” in Creation is Light.  In this Scripture we find we have a God who brought and is always bringing Light into any and every darkness.

From John 1:6-9 we understand God wants people to see “the Light dawning in every darkness”.   God sends an “advance man”.  His name is John.  He has a mission, to call people to turn to the “True Light of Life”, Jesus Christ.

Finally, in Matthew 5:14-16 we discover John is not the only one God calls.  Even as God said, “Let there be Light…”, Jesus says, “Let your light shine…”.  God calls us in Jesus Christ, to shine God’s light into the darkness of our present day.

These Scriptures let us know that our witness, our work with God in Christ, springs from the very beginning of all things. God has always “been in the business” of shining light. God continues in that work.

This understanding helps us to clarify the essential nature of our mission as a church and our ministry as believers.  Is what we are doing “shining a light” that helps others know God’s goodness and brings others to glorify God? These Scriptures lead us into asking these good questions.  They invite us to personally reflect on our “light shining” work in Christ.

Are there other themes you see and would highlight in your message?  Are there other “threads” you would lift up as you tie these texts to each other and to your daily living?  As always, jot down your thoughts!

As we work today, I pray God would “enlighten” us.  In that blessing let’s get to it!

Prayer: Gracious God, thank You for your “light shining”, “love sharing” grace as we know it in the Light of Life, Jesus our Lord. As we go through this day, lift our minds and hearts with this blessing.  Strengthen us to “shine our light” with You in ways others see You working in our good words and works and give You glory.  This we pray in Jesus Christ our Lord.