CDC and Texas Child Care Licensing

CDC and Texas Child Care Licensing:  Recommended Guidelines for Childcare Programs during Covid-19

Spring Valley United Methodist Church Preschool will comply with all of the following CDC and state regulations for child-care centers, as well as any new guidelines or recommendations which are issued by the CDC and/or state prior to or during the school year.

·      Operate the childcare center in accordance with the CDC Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open.

·      Based on the CDC guidance, create plans for each child-care facility around the following prevention measures:

1.    Implement physical distancing strategies (including lowered class student/teacher ratios)

2.    Intensify cleaning and disinfection efforts

3.    Modify drop off and pick up procedures

4.    Implement health screening procedures upon arrival

·      Ensure that all childcare providers have taken required health and safety training related to Covid-19 through the Texas A&M AgriLife extension.  The following trainings are required:

1.    Providing High Quality Experiences during Covid-19

2.    Special Considerations for Infection Control during Covid-19

·      Staff members with underlying health issues or who are 65 or older are asked to speak with their healthcare provider to assess their risk and determine if they should return to work for the upcoming school year, and to provide SVUMC Preschool with a letter clearing said person to work during the Covid 19 Pandemic

·      All staff and children 3 and up will wear masks when not able to physically distance

·      Require sick staff and children to stay home

·      Have a plan (including isolation area) if someone gets sick while at the school

·      If Covid-19 is confirmed in a child or staff member, contact TX Child Care Licensing and the Dallas County Health Department; follow CDC guidelines for deep cleaning all areas used by the person who is diagnosed;  follow Dallas County Health Department reopening guidelines. 

·      Plan for absenteeism and pay if staff members are required to stay home due to confirmed cases in the school; develop plans to cover classes in the event of increased staff absences; consider coordinating substitutes with other local programs

·      Plan for possible closures during the school year due to county, city or state Stay-at-Home orders

·      Plan for physical distancing when possible – do not congregate together or combine classes, if possible

·      Provide hand sanitizing station for parents at check in, keeping hand sanitizer out of reach of children

·      Infants who are not easily walking can be transported to classroom in car seats

·      Child-care classes should include the same group of children and the same employees each day as much as is possible; limit the mixing of groups by staggering recess and keeping groups separate for art and music

·      Teachers, staff, and students maintain 6 feet of separation from others when feasible and will wear masks (3 year olds - adults) when not possible to maintain physical distancing. Recognizing that physical distancing in early childhood is often not feasible, other measures such as face-covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation should be rigorously practiced

·      Increase distance between students when sitting or working at tables

·      Incorporate more outside activities when feasible

·      Limit access to program to the following: students and staff, people with legal authority to enter (licensing agents, law enforcement officers, DFPS) and parents only when absolutely necessary

·      All individuals entering the program area must have been health screened, including church staff and those listed in above

·      Those conducting health screens must be in masks and wipe down pens between use

·      During times of high risk in the community, cancel or postpone holiday or special events and performances; if an event must occur, follow current CDC guidelines about gatherings and events

·      Implement new ratios: under one-1:4, ones-1:5, twos-1:8, threes-1:10, and fours-1:10 and square footage requirements

·      Nap mats must be minimum of 6 feet apart with children lying head to toe

·      Children will be served individual meals and snacks which will be provided by each child’s family and sent to school daily.  So that staff persons will not have to handle the child’s food, all food is to be prepared and packaged in a child-friendly and accessible manner. 

·      Have a sink used exclusively for food preparation


Required Steps to follow if Covid-19 is confirmed in the program

1.    Contact local health authority to report, local health authority will advise you on re-opening procedures

2.    Contact Child Care Licensing to report the presence of Covid-19 in facility

3.    Close off areas used by person who is sick

4.    Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the areas if possible

5.    Wait up to 24 hours, or as long as possible, to allow respiratory droplets to settle, before cleaning and disinfecting

6.    Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick, such as offices, bathrooms, classrooms and common areas

7.    If more than 7 days has passed since the person was in the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary

8.    Continue routine cleaning and disinfection

9.    Any person who was diagnosed with Covid-19 may return to the facility when all three of the following criteria are met: 

·      72 hours symptom and fever free without fever reducing medication

·      no respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath)

·      at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared

10.  If person had symptoms that could be Covid-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for Covid-19, the individual is assumed to have Covid-19 and may not return to the program until meeting the same three criteria

11. If a person had close contact with a person who is diagnosed with Covid-19, they cannot return to the program until the end of a 14 day quarantine from the last day of exposure.

Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfecting Procedures

·      Only soap and water can be used around children.  Disinfectants cannot be used to clean when children are in the room.  Ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using disinfecting products.

·      Develop a schedule for regular cleaning and disinfecting classrooms and common areas

·      Develop a handwashing schedule for all children and staff

·      Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces, toys, and games

·      Routinely clean objects that are frequently touched such as doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, desks, chairs, cubbies

·      Use all cleaning products according to directions on the label. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for concentration, application method and contact time for all cleaning products. For disinfection, most common EPA-registered, fragrance free household disinfectants should be effective.  If surfaces are dirty, they should be washed with soap and water prior to disinfection. 

·      If possible, provide all staff with EPA registered disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces can be wiped down.  If wipes are not available, follow CDC’s guidance on disinfection for community settings.

·      Keep all cleaning and disinfecting supplies out of reach of the children.

·      Guidelines for cleaning toys:  wearing gloves, wash with soap and water, rinse, sanitize, rinse again, air-dry.  Note – you may also clean in mechanical dishwasher

·      Machine washable toys should be used by one child or not used at all.  Must be laundered before being used by another child.

·      Set aside items that need to be cleaned.  Place in a dishpan with soapy water which is kept out of the reach of children

·      Children’s books, like other paper products, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional cleaning or disinfection procedures.

·      Send nap mats home daily

·      Child-care providers in ones and twos often need to hold and comfort a child.  They can protect themselves by wearing an over-large button-down, long- sleeved shirt over their clothing.  Remove this shirt if it has a child’s secretions on it and/or before holding another child.

·      Playgrounds and other outdoor play areas generally require normal routine cleaning but do not require disinfection.  Do not spray disinfectant on outdoor play equipment.  Wipe down high touch surfaces such as railings and grab bars. 


The following are updates for Employee and Parent Handbooks

Physical Distancing/Mask Policy

Teachers, staff, and students will maintain 6 feet of separation from others when feasible and will wear masks (3 year olds - adults) when not possible to maintain physical distancing. Recognizing that physical distancing in early childhood is often not feasible, other measures such as face-covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation will be rigorously practiced.

Arrival Procedures

Upon arrival at SVUMC Preschool, staff will immediately wash hands and complete a health check.  If staff presents with a temperature or symptoms on the following list, or develops symptoms during the day, s/he will be sent home.

Upon arrival at SVUMC Preschool, the parents or the adult dropping the child off will sign the child into care on the sign-in sheet located at the front door. Parents or those dropping a child off must be in a mask and practice physical distancing.   A health check will be completed on both the child/children and the parent/adult.  If either present with a temperature above normal or signs of a potential illness, the child will be excluded from care.  Children will be taken by the parent into the sanctuary, where they will be greeted by their teacher in a designated area.  Teachers will take children to the classroom where everyone will wash their hands before beginning class activities.



Illness Exclusion

SVUMC Preschool staff, children, and /or the children of parents who present with any of the following symptoms will not be admitted into the school:

  • Fever over 100.0 or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

When staff or children have any of the above symptoms, they must not return to the facility until they are symptom and fever free without medication for 72 hours.

If a child becomes sick during the day, s/he will be moved to an isolation area and must be picked up by parents or emergency contacts within 30 minutes.

Any person who is diagnosed with Covid-19 may return to the facility when all three of the following criteria are met:

·      72 hours symptom and fever free without fever reducing medication

·      no respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath)

·      at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared

If person has symptoms that could be Covid-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for Covid-19, the individual is assumed to have Covid-19 and may not return to the program until meeting the same three criteria.

If a person had close contact with a person who is diagnosed with Covid-19, they cannot return to the program until the end of a 14-day quarantine from the last day of exposure.


Acknowledgment and Disclosure Statements

The following items will be included on an Acknowledgment and Disclosure form which will be signed by both parents and by staff prior to the first day of school.

·      I understand that outside of preschool, in order to control my child’s exposure in the community, I will comply with any and all state, county, or local stay-at-home orders.

·      I will immediately notify Spring Valley Methodist Church Preschool management if I become aware of any person with whom my child or I have had contact with exhibits any of the symptoms listed above, is advised to self-isolate, quarantine, or has tested positive, or is presumed positive for Covid-19 or any other infectious illness. 

·      I will notify Spring Valley Methodist Church Preschool management anytime anyone in my family has traveled outside of Texas or the United States.  SVUMC Preschool has a right to exclude staff and children from care if they or a member of their household has traveled to a country that has been identified by the CDC as an “at risk” country, or a state on the Texas travel ban list.

·      I understand that until further notice, parents will not be permitted to enter the preschool hallways or classrooms.

·      I understand that my child and I will undergo a brief health screening, including temperature check, each day upon arrival at the preschool. 

·      I understand that I will be expected to wear a mask and practice physical distancing during both check in and pick up times.  I also understand that when it is not possible to be physically distanced, staff and children over the age of three will wear masks.  The CDC does not recommend masks for two’s and under as they are considered a choking hazard.

·      I understand that children will be served individual meals and snacks which will be provided by each child’s family and sent to school daily.  So that staff persons will not have to handle the child’s food, all food is to be prepared and packaged in a child-friendly and accessible manner. 

·      I understand that no list of restrictions, guidelines or practices will remove 100% of risk of exposure to Covid-19.  Furthermore, I understand that I play a crucial role in keeping everyone in our preschool community safe and reducing the risk of exposure by following the practice outlined here.

Covid 19 Policies and Procedures during Covid 19

Physical Distancing/Mask Policy

Teachers, staff, and students will maintain 6 feet of separation from others when feasible and will wear masks (3 year olds - adults) when not possible to maintain physical distancing. Recognizing that physical distancing in early childhood is often not feasible, other measures such as face-covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitation will be rigorously practiced.

Arrival Procedures

Upon arrival at SVUMC Preschool, staff will immediately wash hands and complete a health check.  If staff presents with a temperature or symptoms on the following list, or develops symptoms during the day, s/he will be sent home.

Upon arrival at SVUMC Preschool, the parents or the adult dropping the child off will sign the child into care on the sign-in sheet located at the front door. Parents or those dropping a child off must be in a mask and practice physical distancing.   A health check will be completed on both the child/children and the parent/adult.  If either present with a temperature above normal or signs of a potential illness, the child will be excluded from care.  Children will be taken by the parent into the sanctuary, where they will be greeted by their teacher in a designated area.  Teachers will take children to the classroom where everyone will wash their hands before beginning class activities.



Illness Exclusion

SVUMC Preschool staff, children, and /or the children of parents who present with any of the following symptoms will not be admitted into the school:

  • Fever over 100.0 or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

When staff or children have any of the above symptoms, they must not return to the facility until they are symptom and fever free without medication for 72 hours.

If a child becomes sick during the day, s/he will be moved to an isolation area and must be picked up by parents or emergency contacts within 30 minutes.

Any person who is diagnosed with Covid-19 may return to the facility when all three of the following criteria are met:

·      72 hours symptom and fever free without fever reducing medication

·      no respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath)

·      at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared

If person has symptoms that could be Covid-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for Covid-19, the individual is assumed to have Covid-19 and may not return to the program until meeting the same three criteria.

If a person had close contact with a person who is diagnosed with Covid-19, they cannot return to the program until the end of a 14-day quarantine from the last day of exposure.