UPDATED: Sunday Schedule

UPDATED Sunday Schedule - Starting this Sunday, October 8th

Thank you all for your flexibility. We want to make sure the Sunday schedule works for all our families.


  • 9:00-9:45 AM – Children’s Sunday School (and Camp Big Church)

    • Led by Shea Harrington

  • 9:00-9:45 AM - Youth & Parent Bible Study

  • 10-11 AM – Worship

  • 11-12 PM – Adult Small Groups

    • Childcare available for children

    • Youth Leaders can earn service hours by helping with childcare

  • 5:30-7 PM – Youth Night

Pastor Frank invites you to a new worship series beginning Sunday!

Sunday our next sermon series kicks off - this is a series about stewardship. It's all about realizing our potential as a church, as a community of faith. Potential that is realized by our approach to financial stewardship. We know there is a stigma in today's culture talking about money...but Jesus talked about money more than any other subject in the kingdom of God.

There's a reason for that.

Take our Motivation Quiz here:


Upcoming Youth Night

Join us for fellowship and our youth service project. We will be creating BOO Baskets for the people in our community inviting them to the upcoming Halloween Music Fest. Then, we will also make BOO Baskets for our preschool teachers.

Invite your friends!

As always we NEED parent volunteers to chaperone or help provide food.

If you are available this night or the upcoming youth activities please sign up here:

Chaperone for Youth Nights/Activities

Provide snacks, etc. for Youth

Welcome to the SVUMC Team!

We are pleased to announce the hiring of Derrada Rubell-Asbell as Spring Valley’s new Worship Leader/Director of Worship Ministries. He  currently serves as the Director of Music Ministries at Lake Highlands Presbyterian Church. Derrada is a graduate of Texas Christian University with a Bachelor of Music in Choral/Vocal Education.

We believe Derrada will bring an energy and enthusiasm to worship, and a passion for the surrounding community, that will help us grow into a new vision for ministry. Derrada will start October 30, meaning his first Sunday will be All Saints Sunday, November 5, a fitting day as we celebrate the enduring legacy of the Spring Valley UMC witness. Please pray for him, the music ministry, and the congregation as we move into an exciting new chapter of our congregational life.

Bless this Neighborhood,

 Rev Dr Frank Drenner, Lead Pastor

Notes from “Future Vision/Strategy” Meeting with Bishop Saenz

Notes from “Future Vision/Strategy” Meeting with Bishop Saenz (9/16/23)

by Cheryl Servais, Lay Leader

This meeting featured Bishop Saenz of the North Texas and Central Conferences. His presentation focused on two issues: The ability of the United Methodist Church to meet the needs of our changing World and the unification of two and possibly three conferences.

Meeting the needs of our changing World

The World is changing, but what is constant is Jesus’ love. So where do we Methodists go? How do we get there? What are our Visions and Priorities? The future is not based on where we’ve been but on where we need to go. Let’s aim for 2050. Let’s start with where we want to be in 2050 and work back from there to see how to get there. What will the World be like in 2050? What are the faith essentials necessary for the next generation? We can use our Methodist essentials of Scripture, Reason, Tradition, and Experience to discern the Actions to be taken.

Our Vision: We are followers of Jesus seeking the loving, just, and free World God imagines for all people. Seeking is the key. We seek a World free from poverty, hunger, and violence, a world of unified people inclusive of all.

Our Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the World.  Seek, and you will find the people of the United Methodist Church.

Our Actions:

  1. Multiply ourselves. Mentor others. By 2028, double the number of Jesus’ followers.

  2. Champion children and youth. Help them with issues; help them feel safe, loved, and valued.

  3. Maximize care and healing inside and outside the church. For example, have a “Blue Christmas” service dedicated to those who are lonely and depressed during the holiday time. Do spiritual therapy. Hold forums on mental health, drug addiction, etc.

  4. Pursue and embrace diversity so that our churches reflect our community. By 2028, 30% of our congregations should be people of color (Asians, Hispanics, blacks, etc.). The Asian community is growing fast, especially in Carrollton and Coppell.

  5. Tell our story. We must overcome the rumors and untruths about the United Methodist Church. We will start a media campaign to testify to Jesus’ love.

We will change how we measure success: Our community reputation, diversity, and outreach to youth.

Conference Unification

Bishop Saenz also addressed the ongoing unification process, which will unify the North Texas Conference, Central Texas Conference, and the Northwest Texas Conference. The target date for unification is January 2025.

October Series

Greater Than - Starting October 1st.

Series Overview

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. – Aristotle

One aspect of growing as a disciple of Christ means that we are committed to responding to God’s wonderful generosity. Being generous is about aligning our priorities with God’s priorities, aligning our hearts with God’s heart. We grow in that generosity as part of our individual spirituality, we also grow in generosity within our faith community as the body of Christ.

The disciples in the book of Acts understood the power of community and growing together in discipleship.

Together is greater than alone.
Generosity is greater than storing up.
And thriving is greater than survival.
Join us for this series as we consider all that God has shared with us and what it means to live a life that is Greater Than.

All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved. – Act 2:44-47

Civil Rights Road Trip

Are you interested in a Civil Rights road trip? We would visit sites in places like Little Rock, Arkansas, Memphis, Tennessee, and Montgomery, and Selma, Alabama. The trip would be 5-6 days and take place during Spring Break in March 2024. 

We are partnering with Arapaho UMC and other North Texas Conference churches. Youth and their families are strongly encouraged to attend. Let Pastor Frank know if you would be interested in learning more: fdrenner@svumc.org.

Advent Devotional Sign-Up

The Discipleship committee has decided to base our devotional on Christmas Carols this Advent. If you would be interested in writing one, Dianne Cronenberg has a sign-up list of the hymns in our hymnal. You may also choose a carol not in our hymnal, but you must still sign up with Dianne. Dianne will give you a format and instructions when you sign up. If interested, please sign up with Dianne at the Welcome Booth by Sunday, September 24th. If you are an online member and would like to write a devotional, please get in touch with Dianne at deecronenberg@gmail.com. She will send you the instructions by email.

NEW Covenant Disciple Group

NEW Covenant Discipleship Group 

A Covenant Discipleship Group is a group of no more than seven people who gather weekly to hold themselves mutually accountable for their discipleship journey. We aim to help one another become better disciples of Jesus Christ by watching over one another in love and prayerfully supporting one another to live as disciples.

If this sounds like what you have been longing for in your discipleship journey, please get in touch with Pat Christley to express your interest. Pat can be reached via email at pchristl@flash.net or 


We will begin our journey using Steven W. Manskar’s book Accountable Discipleship, Living in God’s Household.  Pat is considering a possible start date of Sunday, October 8, after the 10 o’clock service. Please get in touch with her by September 17 so that the books can be ordered and available.

New Men's Fellowship

NEW Men's Fellowship

Sunday, 1 October, 2023

All men invited (members and visitors)

Time: 11:00 am, after morning worship

Location: Asbury Hall (tentative)

Refreshments provided: coffee and donuts (guaranteed holy)

Mission: Fellowship within the cloak of helping men grow in Christ.

At this initial meeting, we will brainstorm the kind of fellowship meeting we want - how often we meet (every week, biweekly, or monthly). We will nominate some leaders (Guide, Secretary, Treasurer). The meeting format is will begin with an opening prayer, food and fellowship, a devotional, prayer concerns, followed by a closing prayer. 

For more information, please contact: Larry Kryske at Larry@YourFinestHour.com or cell 469-693-9242.

Brothers, please get the word out to your friends and join us! 

Thought for the Day

Every Communion is an embodiment of God's grace. We hear God's grace in the words that are spoken.  But we also see it, hear it, touch it, and taste it in the bread and wine.  God in his kindness, knowing how frail we are, knowing how battered by life we can be, also demonstrates his grace in water, bread, and wine. 

~Tim Chester

Behold September 15

Shortly after arriving here, Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White of the Texas Methodist Foundation reached out to me with a unique opportunity for key leaders of our congregation. Our District Superintendent, Rev Edlen Cowley, recommended us to be part of a select cohort of other churches in the Metro District, including 1st Dallas, Lake Highlands, and St. Paul UMCs. Here is some information about the cohort:

Enneagram for Leaders:

Grieving Well, Discerning Purpose,

and Expanding Imagination for Thriving Congregations

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

Cohort Purpose and Plan

This is an incredible opportunity for congregational leaders to deepen their formation and together discern faithful next steps for their congregation in the areas of Grieving Well, Discerning Purpose, and Expanding Imagination that will lead to thriving now and in the future.

Suzanne Stabile, godmother of the Enneagram and faithful United Methodist, will begin the cohort’s experience by sharing her exceptional teaching, “Know Your Number,” on September 23, 2023, at First UMC Dallas from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Her teaching will be oriented specifically for congregational leaders. Through two other Sunday night teachings this fall, Suzanne will explore Grieving Well for congregations.

In the spring, Rev. Joe Stabile (Minister of Spiritual Formation, FUMC Dallas), Hunter Mobley (author, former Executive Pastor of Christ Church, Nashville), Rev. Lisa Greenwood (President, TMF), and Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White (VP Leadership Ministry, TMF) will lead sessions on Discerning Purpose and Expanding Imagination.

Texas Methodist Foundation, in partnership with Life in the Trinity Ministry, offers this unique initiative and is funded by a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment. TMF has identified Grieving Well, Discerning Purpose, and Expanding Imagination as key muscles congregations must exercise to thrive.

Eight members of Spring Valley, plus myself, will participate in this process. I was very intentional in recruiting a broad spectrum of the congregation: Cynthia Lee, Mariel McBride, Pam Reese, Brenda Sechyi, Emily Serold, Cheryl Servais, David Smith, and David Willis. I invite you to pray for them as they grow personally and, by extension, the growth Spring Valley will experience through their sharing.

Peace and Joy,

Pastor Frank

Service Updates

We are excited about some of the changes we are making! We will be moving towards one worship service at 10:00 am beginning October 1st. This is an exciting time to embrace a new vision for our ministry, grounded in worship. We are so grateful to all of you for your feedback in the recent survey. Please take note of the last day for our 8:30 am service (Sept 10) and our Common Ground Celebration and Last Day (Sept 17).

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions! We look forward to worshipping with you.

Camp Bible

Camp Bible – September 23-24, 2023

Our 3rd Graders (from Camp Big Church) will be going to Bridgeport Camp for an overnight experience of God, nature, and community!

This year’s theme is “God is Light!” where we will be exploring scripture that uses the concept of light to help campers relate to God. We’ll worship together, learn in small groups and have plenty of time for games, crafts, and fun! 

Registration Deadline is September 10!

Click HERE to register.

Camp Big Church!

3rd Graders WELCOME to Camp Big Church! This Sunday we will have our first camp session!

What is Camp Big Church? This camp has been designed to help children strengthen their participation in congregational worship. As children understand what we do in worship, they can participate more fully. During the weeks of Camp Big Church, we will examine the different parts of worship together with hands on activities.


  • August 27 - Session 1

  • September 10 - Session 2

  • September 17 - Session 3

  • September 23 & 24 - Camp Bible

    • Location: Bridgeport Camp

  • October 1 - Session 4

  • October 15 - Children's Sunday

    • Camp Big Church Graduation

    • 3rd Grade Bible Presentation

*Camp Sessions will be during Sunday School

Sundays 10:00-10:30 AM

Behold August 25, 2023

Behold * August 25th, 2023

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out our recent Worship Feedback Survey and those who attended last week’s Worship Feedback Discussion. I will share the detailed feedback at the Sunday School Brunch - Everyone is invited- September

10, 9:30, in Wesley Hall.

Thanks as well to those who participated, in person and on

Zoom, in the new study Taking the Church to the Community. A great discussion was had- the study continues each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. through September.

More tips on connecting with the community:

Invite those who attend community events to another event — sometimes called a “hand off event” — planned to draw them into a deeper relationship. Recognize that many “unchurched” people are spiritually inclined but apprehensive about attending church because they feel unwelcome, distrust institutions, or have been hurt in the past. Pay attention to the heightened receptiveness to spiritual engagement around religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas.

Offer offsite worship services on special days, such as Christmas Eve. Select familiar venues where people feel comfortable — parks, restaurants, parking lots. Offer imposition of ashes on

Ash Wednesday in public places. Partner with other institutions (such as nursing homes) or commercial establishments (restaurants, shopping centers, or sports facilities) to offer worship services to their constituents or clientele on special days. Plan creative outdoor events, such as live nativities or “blessing of the animals” services, to help make your church visibly present to the community in creative ways.