Behold September 15

Shortly after arriving here, Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White of the Texas Methodist Foundation reached out to me with a unique opportunity for key leaders of our congregation. Our District Superintendent, Rev Edlen Cowley, recommended us to be part of a select cohort of other churches in the Metro District, including 1st Dallas, Lake Highlands, and St. Paul UMCs. Here is some information about the cohort:

Enneagram for Leaders:

Grieving Well, Discerning Purpose,

and Expanding Imagination for Thriving Congregations

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

Cohort Purpose and Plan

This is an incredible opportunity for congregational leaders to deepen their formation and together discern faithful next steps for their congregation in the areas of Grieving Well, Discerning Purpose, and Expanding Imagination that will lead to thriving now and in the future.

Suzanne Stabile, godmother of the Enneagram and faithful United Methodist, will begin the cohort’s experience by sharing her exceptional teaching, “Know Your Number,” on September 23, 2023, at First UMC Dallas from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Her teaching will be oriented specifically for congregational leaders. Through two other Sunday night teachings this fall, Suzanne will explore Grieving Well for congregations.

In the spring, Rev. Joe Stabile (Minister of Spiritual Formation, FUMC Dallas), Hunter Mobley (author, former Executive Pastor of Christ Church, Nashville), Rev. Lisa Greenwood (President, TMF), and Rev. Dr. Blair Thompson-White (VP Leadership Ministry, TMF) will lead sessions on Discerning Purpose and Expanding Imagination.

Texas Methodist Foundation, in partnership with Life in the Trinity Ministry, offers this unique initiative and is funded by a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment. TMF has identified Grieving Well, Discerning Purpose, and Expanding Imagination as key muscles congregations must exercise to thrive.

Eight members of Spring Valley, plus myself, will participate in this process. I was very intentional in recruiting a broad spectrum of the congregation: Cynthia Lee, Mariel McBride, Pam Reese, Brenda Sechyi, Emily Serold, Cheryl Servais, David Smith, and David Willis. I invite you to pray for them as they grow personally and, by extension, the growth Spring Valley will experience through their sharing.

Peace and Joy,

Pastor Frank