Behold August 25, 2023

Behold * August 25th, 2023

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out our recent Worship Feedback Survey and those who attended last week’s Worship Feedback Discussion. I will share the detailed feedback at the Sunday School Brunch - Everyone is invited- September

10, 9:30, in Wesley Hall.

Thanks as well to those who participated, in person and on

Zoom, in the new study Taking the Church to the Community. A great discussion was had- the study continues each Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. through September.

More tips on connecting with the community:

Invite those who attend community events to another event — sometimes called a “hand off event” — planned to draw them into a deeper relationship. Recognize that many “unchurched” people are spiritually inclined but apprehensive about attending church because they feel unwelcome, distrust institutions, or have been hurt in the past. Pay attention to the heightened receptiveness to spiritual engagement around religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas.

Offer offsite worship services on special days, such as Christmas Eve. Select familiar venues where people feel comfortable — parks, restaurants, parking lots. Offer imposition of ashes on

Ash Wednesday in public places. Partner with other institutions (such as nursing homes) or commercial establishments (restaurants, shopping centers, or sports facilities) to offer worship services to their constituents or clientele on special days. Plan creative outdoor events, such as live nativities or “blessing of the animals” services, to help make your church visibly present to the community in creative ways.