Youth Group Lock-Out

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Friday - October 22nd - 7pm - 12am

The Youth Group (7th-12th Grade) will meet at Adventure Landing for mini golf, go-karts, laser tag, arcade games and dinner. Then, we will end the night at the movies to watch The Addams Family 2. Friends are always encouraged and welcome! Drop Off: Adventure Landing - 7 PM Pick Up: Studio Movie Grill - 12 AM REGISTER ASAP! Needing a final count for reservations and transportation. ***Adult Volunteers NEEDED! - drivers to transport students DISCOUNT CODE for Adult Volunteers: ADULT VOLUNTEERS


Halloween Music Fest & Trunk or Treat

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A fun, free, safer event for the whole family!  The program this year will feature John Tarver, organist for Spring Valley UMC, playing a keyboard with full orchestral sounds, joined by special guest soloists in a program called “Disney Villains and Disney Fun”.  This free, short concert will be performed outside on the church parking lot 

Following the musical program, everyone can enjoy trunk-or-treating in a designated part of the parking lot, where decorated car trunks will be filled with candy.

So, wear your costumes (not too scary)! 

October 31, 2021; concert at 4:00 – trunk-or-treat follows.

 Everyone is welcome...all ages, in a car or on foot!


Wednesday Morning Bible Study


The Women’s Wednesday  Morning Bible study will be begin our study of the minor prophets, Micah through Malachi. The study is from the Immersion Bible Studies and this particular study will go for eight weeks. We will begin this study on Wednesday, September the 8th. The study will begin at 9:30am and go until 11:00 a.m.

Room: Asbury Hall. Facilitator, Pat Christley.

This is an ongoing group that meets from September through May with breaks for Thanksgiving week, Christmas/New Year weeks, and Easter week. When we finish one study we begin another until our summer break.

New Women's Bible Study


“The prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressures—to compromise his faith, to live in a hostile culture, and to confront temptations and threats.” We as people of faith face those same challenges.  This Beth Moore study of Daniel guides us deeper into the development of integrity we all need as an inner strength in our lives today. 

The study will run from September 22-November 17 on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am.

To reserve your place In this study please RSVP to Sharon Clark at

Spring Valley Reads "Ordinary Grace"


“In 1961 New Bremen, Minnesota, all is quiet and serene.  The Minnesota River flows through the countryside, the town barber knows everyone’s name and folks dutifully attend church every Sunday.  But that serenity is thrown into turmoil as a series of tragic deaths lead thirteen year old Frank Drum and his family on a hunt for terrible truths.  But at what cost comes wisdom? (And) as a boy leaves his childhood behind and confronts the dark nature of the adult world with its myriad of moral questions: What secrets will destroy us? How do we deal with grief? And what solace is there in the ordinary grace of the world?” (“Ordinary Grace”, William Kent Krueger, pg.311)


Sunday, September 19, we’ll have opportunity to explore those questions and share thoughts on “Ordinary Grace” with a Book Review and Light Luncheon in Asbury Hall starting at 12:15.  The review and lunch is free. To assist us with planning the food it would be most helpful to receive your RSVP to Sharon Clark at by Wednesday, Sept. 15.

Youth Night - August 22nd

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Families! Save the Date for YOUTH NIGHT - Sunday, August 22nd from 6pm-8pm. This event is for 7th-12th graders - join us for fun and fellowship at Group Dynamix - this will be a night of community building with our Youth Group. Get ready for a High Ropes Course Challenge, Blacklight Dodgeball, and Archery Tag!

Bring yourself and a friend! Please remember to wear sneakers.

Cost of the event: $20 per person.

***Scholarship is available.


Wonderfully Made Camp


Wonderfully Made Camp – September 10-12

 For 5th to 8th graders.

Wonderfully Made Camp is a Conference Wide Camp that will use the Wonderful Made Human Sexuality Curriculum led by staff from churches throughout our conference that have been trained in the curriculum.

We will begin on Friday evening and end on Sunday morning around 10 a.m. 
The cost of the camp is $40.00.

Friends are encouraged and welcome to join!

***More information for registration and about this event will be emailed to you.

 Wonderfully Made Camp-Registration

Blessing of the Backpacks


Families - Save the Date! On Sunday, August 15th during our 11am Worship Services we are going to celebrate Back-To-School with Blessing of the Backpacks! Please join us for this special time as we send our children back to their learning environments for the 2021/2022 school year. Students - remember to bring your backpack to be blessed!

Phase II Reopening Update

Phase II Update

Protocol Update - Reopening Covenant

Spring Valley UMC, Metro District

Larry Jackson, Chairperson - Trustees

Rev. Paul Gould, Sr. Pastor

Rev. Debra Hobbs-Mason, District Superintendent

May 18, 2021

Title: Protocol Update - New Normal

Aim: Provide the highest quality worship, educational, and fellowship experiences for the maximum number of people under the safest possible conditions.

Guidelines to be Followed: Texas Department of Health, North Texas Conference, Dallas County Risk Level Assessment

Covenant Spirit to be Practiced: A Covenant is a relationship of caring. Best policies will be instituted for mutual protection and practiced with the well-being of others in mind. We will observe these best practices of caring for others because Christ cares for them and for us.

In this spirit of caring it is encouraged all adults become vaccinated.

It is also in this spirit of caring we encourage respect for one another in whatever choice each makes in the optional wearing of masks.

Program Ministries:

Onsite Worship Service ( 8:30 Together at the Tower, 11:00 Traditional and Common Ground)

1. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.

2. Masks and Social Distancing are optional.

3. Nursery care will be available for those second grade and under. Staff nursery care givers will be masked.

4. Communion will be observed with individually pre-packaged fellowship cups.

5. Coffee and refreshments will resume when the Dallas County Risk Marker turns “Green”.

6. Bottled Water will be available.

Online Worship - 11:00 am for both Traditional and Common Ground. (This option is recommended for those not feeling well, not ready to return for whatever reason, or homebound. This live stream worship will also be recorded for later viewing if desired).

Sunday School and Small Group Ministry

1. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.

2. Masks and Social Distancing are optional.

3. Sunday School Classes (children, youth, and adult) will resume in person Sunday, June 6.

4. Midweek Bible Study, Covenant groups, Crafting groups etc. may resume June 1.

5. It is recommended that classes provide an audio link for class members who are not yet comfortable returning to church, so they may participate virtually. (Visual links are not feasible at this time due to broadband limitations.)

Committee Meetings

1. Onsite meetings of church committees are permitted as of May 15.

2. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.

3. Masks and Social Distancing are optional.

4. It is recommended committees provide a zoom link for committee members who are not yet comfortable returning to church meetings.

Special Children and Youth Summer Ministries

1. All volunteers for children and youth summer ministries are requested to receive a Covid vaccination.

2. For volunteers who have been vaccinated, masks are optional. For volunteers who have not been vaccinated, masks are suggested.

3. Masks will be optional and social distancing encouraged for children and youth in indoor and outdoor settings.

4. Masks will be recommended for children, youth and volunteers in transportation settings (I.e. vans, buses etc.)

5. Masks and social distancing in mission settings will be governed by the policy of the mission facility.

Special Services and Outside Groups

1. Memorial Services and funerals will be conducted under the guidelines of traditional worship.

2. Weddings may be conducted under the guidelines of traditional worship.

3. Scheduling of all outside groups will resume when the Dallas Risk Marker turns “Green”.

Congregational Notification

1. Behold…include a letter from The Bishop if there is one with guidelines

2. SS newsletters

3. Constant Contact letter

4. Announce changes in basic steps in worship at appropriate time

Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week at Spring Valley

Thursday, April 1st, Holy Thursday - 7:00 pm - “Taize” Outdoor Worship with Holy Communion in the Spring Valley Park Lot under the Tower (bring your lawn chair if you desire)

Friday, April 2nd, Good Friday - 7:00 pm - “Tenebrae” Service of Darkness in the Sanctuary

Sunday, April 4th, Easter Sunday - 8:30 am “Together at the Tower” Park Lot Worship (bring a lawn chair if desired), 11:00 am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, 11:00 am Common Ground Modern Worship in Wesley Hall

  • All Worship, except for Thursday, will be onsite and online. Holy Thursday will be onsite only.

  • Masks will be required and social distancing practiced.

  • Nursery care will available Easter morning at 11:00 am for children 3 and under. Nursery care will follow all COVID protocols as practiced by our Preschool. This includes signing in with temperature checks and screening questions. Children in the nursery are not required to wear masks. All adults and caregivers will wear masks.

Have a Blessed Holy Week!

Youth Missions Fundraiser 2021

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Dear Church Family & Friends,

This summer, our students will be participating in the Confirmation and Youth Mission Weeks. Below we have detailed information about these projects and the fellowship we have planned for both groups this summer.

You will also see a response card and a QR Code to give online (Mission Week Fundraiser). This gives you an opportunity to support our students with their mission projects. 

Your support makes our programs and ministry possible. Our students cannot thank you enough for supporting these upcoming Mission Weeks.

Many Blessing from US to YOU,

Spring Valley Confirmation & Youth

Shea Harrington, Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministries


Call: 972.233.7671 ex. 220


Resurrection Garden Family Event

Families! Please plan to join us this Sunday, March 28th for a special Easter Experience. We will be creating a Resurrection Garden while enjoying the story of Jesus. While you listen to our storyteller in residence at SVUMC, you will create a beautiful garden. We will have a family pizza picnic after.

Please join us Sunday from 4pm-6pm.

Registration Is $10 and includes a kit for the garden and pizza for the family. Registration via the QR quote or this link below:

Contact Shea Harrington with questions:

*We will meet in the church courtyard by the playground*

All Saints Day

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This Sunday is "All Saints Day."

It’s the day we set apart in our Christian calendar to remember and give thanks for our loved ones who have passed away and gone home to be with the Lord. It’s a day we celebrate God’s love always holds them in eternal life and abides with us in Comfort and Peace.

“All Saints Day” also reminds us that every day is a day for Christ’s saints. My favorite definition of “saints” are those through whom the light of Christ shines. That light of Christ dawns with us each new day and every day holds the opportunity for us to “walk in the light.”

Being a “saint” brings a blessing to others and to you. God offers us that privilege every day. Our Scripture on Sunday reminds us that as we “run our race” we are surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses” (our departed loved ones with us in our hearts and minds) cheering us on. More than that, we look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter, the beginning and completing of our faith, to lead us forward. I’m thankful we can be Christ’s saints this weekend and always at Spring Valley.


Welcome, Billy Lane!

We are pleased to share with you that we have a new Associate Pastor joining our SVUMC family. Billy Lane will be starting as our new Associate Pastor in Common Ground. Billy has a deep love for Christ and all God’s children, a commitment to justice and a working for equality that reflects Christ’s kingdom. Hopefully you watched the video sent out on Thursday. Moreover, if you feel comfortable with onsite, inside worship conducted with our “Covenant of Care” I hope you will come to meet and welcome Billy, Janet and their family.

You can read more about Billy HERE.

Carter Blood Drive

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Every blood donation saves up to three lives! And with an even more desperate need due to the current pandemic ( our community supply is low), we have a chance to come together and #GiveForLife. The need for blood locally has brought an increased urgency for blood donations and they especially need Type O. Please join us for this drive if you are healthy and able so that we can help rebuild the blood supply.

Raising Up Our Children in the Faith.

Grace and Peace on this Saturday.  I’m glad we can end the week together in the Pastor’s Workshop.

As you know Saturday is our time to “prepare with prayer”.  Saturday gets us spiritually ready for what happens on Sunday.  And particularly with tomorrow being a “Re-Opening Day” at Spring Valley, where we’ll begin onsite, inside worship at 11:00, prayer is important!

As we return to “inside church” we’re in the midst of our Stewardship Emphasis, “Rise Again”.  Our Scripture base for the series is from II Corinthians 4.  The Apostle writes, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; …  For it is the God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”   As we re-emerge from under the “cloud of Covid” to be the church God calls us to be, we let the love of God in Christ shine in our hearts and show through our life together.

A special and specific way we shine the light and show the love of God in Christ at Spring Valley is by “Raising Up the Next Generation in Faith”.  This priority is one of the “four pillars” we practice.  It is an anchor of our ministry.

Tomorrow’s worship will lift up that focus on Children and Youth.  The message will highlight that ministry emphasis.

The Scriptural text is Deuteronomy 6:4-9.  Our specific emphasis is on verse 6 and 7, “Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Teach them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.”

Since I missed being with you on Thursday (where I outline my talking points for Sunday), I thought I might take today to touch on some highlights for tomorrow.

Here’s my thoughts for the message:

When we have kids (children or grandchildren or our church children), we want the best for them.

We quickly realize  that “wanting the best” is not so much about what we can give them, as much as about what we can teach them.  In learning about life they become strong and independent and can make their own best way in the world.

And there is so much to teach and to learn.  ABC’s, 123’s, art, music, how to be strong, be fair, be kind, and on it goes.

Robert Fulghum wrote an insightful book a number of years back, Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.  And although he makes lots of good points, we don’t learn everything we need to know in Kindergarten.

The main thing I want my kids and grandkids and church kids to know they learn in Sunday School.  They learn about a great love that is the salvation of their lives.  “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so.”

As we want our children to learn about that great and gracious love of God, we join with faithful across the ages.  The Scripture this morning reflects that same heart of love for God and raising up children in the faith, “keep the commandments and teach them to your children”.

This Scripture, called the “Shema” in Judaism, is at the center of Jewish prayer life.  Jesus as a child would have prayed the “Shema”.  “Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is One.”

We have a One and Only God, who loves us in a “one and only way”, in a way that God loves us more than his own life.  Jesus Christ on the Cross is that outpouring of God’s love for all.

Our faith focuses on that gift of love.  We receive that “one and only love” from our “One and Only Lord” in ways that our reception gives rise to reciprocation. In God’s grace there grows in our hearts a love for God.  Our love would be a response where we “love the Lord with all our heart, our soul, and our strength”.

Even as we love God in that way, that love becomes a “light” that leads us on a path of life we call the Commandments.  The Ten Commandments are a path of life that builds Connection with a God of love and with our neighbors in love.

As people of faith we walk this path and we take the hand our children as we walk. We teach them the commandments as a way of life and of love for God and neighbor.

The Shema opens our eyes to the opportunity to see the world as a “classroom”. Everyday there are lessons to be learned.  So we talk about following the Commandments and living in love with God “at home” and “on the road”, when we “lie down” and “rise up”.  Our house and family becomes a home for God, where all are part of God’s family.

This is a commitment we make at Spring Valley to help our children, youth and families “walk and talk” this pathway of faith.  This priority is at the heart of our ministry.  We practice this priority through all our ministry activities with children, youth and families, on Sunday and during the week.

Yes, we want the best for our kids.  We believe God provides that best in love and invites us to live in that love, in ways that our kids will know the blessing of life God has for them in Christ.  Yes, we teach our children this truth of faith in ways they will walk in it forever. 

These are a few of my talking points for tomorrow.  Of course, as always, they will be expanded and enriched.

As you listen to this message and think about your family and/or the children in our church family, I invite you to consider how we work together to “Raise Up our Children in faith” and what you can do personally today to bring that blessing into the lives of those you love.

In the gift of that opportunity, I look forward to being with you tomorrow in worship!

Prayer: Gracious God, thank You for the gift of our children and our youth.  Thank You for the privilege of raising them up in faith.  This is our responsibility, our stewardship for their lives.  We trust You to lead us in that blessing as we live in light of Your love and Your way.  We praise You for that opportunity through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Habitat for Humanity Fall Build


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 Location: 1843 Life Avenue in West Dallas

Dates: Oct 17 through Nov 21 or Dec 12 on Saturdays and Thursdays

No build days: November 26 and 28 (Thanksgiving weekend)

Check-in: 7:45 am                                                                   Construction start: 8:00 am

Lunch: 12:00 pm (boxed lunch provided)                              Day end: 3:00 pm

 What to wear:

·      Comfortable clothing which you don’t mind getting dirty

·      Tennis shoes or other sturdy close-toed shoes, no sandals or flip-flops

·      Cloth or surgical face mask(s)

 What to bring:

·      At least one cloth or surgical face mask (required) to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus

·      To stay hydrated, bottled water will be provided, but you can bring a water bottle and/or sports drink

·      A boxed lunch will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own food

·      Dallas Habitat will provide each volunteer with a bag containing sanitized tools, tool belt, safety glasses and a hard hat; if you prefer using your own, bring them but do not share. Do not bring power tools.

·      First-aid kits are on-site; you are responsible for bringing personal items (example: EpiPen)

 [NEW] COVID precautions:

·      Maximum 10 volunteers on the build site, 6-ft physical distancing and face masks

·      To manage capacity restrictions, all volunteers must register each day on the build using Dallas Habitat’s Volunteer Hub. If you are unable to work after you register, you must cancel in the Hub so that slot can be filled by a volunteer on the ‘stand-by’ list.  (link and directions below)

 Age restrictions:

·      Under 16: not allowed on the build site until the dedication day

·      16 and 17: allowed to pick up a hammer and build but not operate power tools or get on the roof; must have one adult over 21 per five youth of this age; parent must sign release form


Volunteer slots will be filled first come first served.  Login weekly and sign up only for the upcoming week to ensure everyone interested has the opportunity to volunteer.


1.     Create account (or login if you already have an account)

·      Go to build day link:

·      Click “register”

·      Create a username and password

·      Join Code - skip this step

·      Check event categories that interest you

·      Enter your user information (name, email, mobile phone number, home address, birthdate, SMS opt-in, email opt-in, Liability Waiver, Code of Conduct, employer/group, emergency contact information)

·      Confirm all information

2.     Register for Event

·      Click “SIGN UP” to the right of RAIH & Thrivent Home Build: Day #

·      Review your user information if you have an existing account

·      Click “NEXT”

·      Accept Liability Waiver and click “NEXT”

In the event you do not receive an automatic e-mail confirmation, check your junk mail. If you have any questions about this system, please let Michelle Galizia know at


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1.     Bill Boyer  (972) 978-2019      2.  Jerry Malone  (972) 672-0114       


Day 1: Saturday, October 17                                      Day 9: Saturday, November 14

Day 2: Thursday, October 22                                      Day 10: Thursday, November 19

Day 3: Saturday, October 24                                      Day 11: Saturday, November 21

Day 4: Thursday, October 29                                      Skip Thanksgiving Week

Day 5: Saturday, October 31                                      Day 12: Thursday, December 3

Day 6: Thursday, November 5                                    Day 13: Saturday, December 5

Day 7: Saturday, November 7                                     Day 14: Thursday, December 10

Day 8: Thursday, November 12

Raising Up the Next Generation in Faith

Welcome to Wednesday!  It’s great to be with you mid-week in the Pastor’s Workshop.

This week we’re continuing our series entitled “Rise Again”.  The messages of the month are based in the “four pillars” of our Spring Valley vision of ministry: “Creating Compelling Worship”, “Raising Up the Next Generation in Faith”, “Building Bridges of Harmony and Care with our Community and World”, and “Growing Deeper in Discipleship”.

Last Sunday we focused on “Creating Compelling Worship”.  Psalm 96 helped us understand that our worship is based in the greatness of God and so God is greatly to be praised.  Our one hour in the church is our time in the sanctuary of God’s mercy and majesty.  Here we have opportunity to give God the glory honor and praise through our singing, our praying, and our active listening and practically applying Scripture.  In the midst of this “one hour weekly spiritual workout” God works, softening our hearts to all of God’s ways and strengthening our witness so we can live God’s ways in our weekday world.  That is the blessing and gift of worship God gives.

This Sunday we move to our “second pillar”, “Raising Up the Next Generation in Faith”.  Our Scripture is Deuteronomy 6:4-9.  In Judaism this is called the “Shema”.  “Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is One.  And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might.”

The Shema is the basis of morning and evening prayer for Jewish households.  As such it is a foundation of faith for families.  As we think about “Raising Up the Next Generation in Faith” we would turn to the “Shema” to see how it would strengthen our faith as well.

The entire text of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is: Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.[aYou shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem[b] on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

 Today we look for a logic that runs through the text.  What are the “deeper threads” that weave through this passage and advance the thought of the writer?

For me this text holds together two great loves.  One is a love for God --- Love the Lord your God.  The second is our love for our children (in our families, our church family, and all God’s family).

Verses 4-5 speak of the love for God.  The Lord is our God. The Lord is our God, the One and Only.  In that relationship we are invited to embrace God with love.  We are encouraged to love our One and Only God with all we’ve got – heart, soul and strength.  The Shema calls us to love God passionately, deeply and actively.

Verse 6 summons us to live out that love in a practical way.  The reference to “keep the words I am commanding you today” points to the preceding chapter of Deuteronomy where God gives the Ten Commandments to the people.  They are not seen as ten, separate, stand alone rules but rather as a way of life (a path of life) that allows the faithful live out their love for God in daily practice.  Taken together these “Top Ten” express a love for God and a love for neighbor that is a way of life.

The Shema doesn’t stop with loving God.  It couples this love of God with our second greatest love, our love for our children.  We are to teach this love of God, this pathway of life, to our children.  “Recite”, “Talk about them”, “Bind them”, “Post them” – daily life is fertile “teaching ground” for opening the eyes and hearts of our children to the ways of God shown in the Commandments and how this pathway of life can be lived out in the world.

As we think about “Raising Up the Next Generation in Faith” the Shema is at the heart of our prayers for our children, our church and our ministry. We want the love of God that we know in Jesus Christ our Lord, that One and Only Love that is greater than all loves, be at the center of what we live with our children and the legacy we leave in their lives.

With that thought, I invite you to enter today in the embrace of the love of God in Christ, and live that blessing with all God’s children!

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank You that You are God Alone.  You are our One and Only, who loves us more than we love ourselves and even more that Your life itself, as we witnessed on Your Cross.  In that great love let us love You with all we are and all we’ve got.  And let us embrace our children with that same love so that they may grow to have that same heart in Your grace.  This is our prayer in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen