All Saints Day

Chidlrens Sunday (3).png

This Sunday is "All Saints Day."

It’s the day we set apart in our Christian calendar to remember and give thanks for our loved ones who have passed away and gone home to be with the Lord. It’s a day we celebrate God’s love always holds them in eternal life and abides with us in Comfort and Peace.

“All Saints Day” also reminds us that every day is a day for Christ’s saints. My favorite definition of “saints” are those through whom the light of Christ shines. That light of Christ dawns with us each new day and every day holds the opportunity for us to “walk in the light.”

Being a “saint” brings a blessing to others and to you. God offers us that privilege every day. Our Scripture on Sunday reminds us that as we “run our race” we are surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses” (our departed loved ones with us in our hearts and minds) cheering us on. More than that, we look to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter, the beginning and completing of our faith, to lead us forward. I’m thankful we can be Christ’s saints this weekend and always at Spring Valley.
