Phase II Reopening Update

Phase II Update

Protocol Update - Reopening Covenant

Spring Valley UMC, Metro District

Larry Jackson, Chairperson - Trustees

Rev. Paul Gould, Sr. Pastor

Rev. Debra Hobbs-Mason, District Superintendent

May 18, 2021

Title: Protocol Update - New Normal

Aim: Provide the highest quality worship, educational, and fellowship experiences for the maximum number of people under the safest possible conditions.

Guidelines to be Followed: Texas Department of Health, North Texas Conference, Dallas County Risk Level Assessment

Covenant Spirit to be Practiced: A Covenant is a relationship of caring. Best policies will be instituted for mutual protection and practiced with the well-being of others in mind. We will observe these best practices of caring for others because Christ cares for them and for us.

In this spirit of caring it is encouraged all adults become vaccinated.

It is also in this spirit of caring we encourage respect for one another in whatever choice each makes in the optional wearing of masks.

Program Ministries:

Onsite Worship Service ( 8:30 Together at the Tower, 11:00 Traditional and Common Ground)

1. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.

2. Masks and Social Distancing are optional.

3. Nursery care will be available for those second grade and under. Staff nursery care givers will be masked.

4. Communion will be observed with individually pre-packaged fellowship cups.

5. Coffee and refreshments will resume when the Dallas County Risk Marker turns “Green”.

6. Bottled Water will be available.

Online Worship - 11:00 am for both Traditional and Common Ground. (This option is recommended for those not feeling well, not ready to return for whatever reason, or homebound. This live stream worship will also be recorded for later viewing if desired).

Sunday School and Small Group Ministry

1. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.

2. Masks and Social Distancing are optional.

3. Sunday School Classes (children, youth, and adult) will resume in person Sunday, June 6.

4. Midweek Bible Study, Covenant groups, Crafting groups etc. may resume June 1.

5. It is recommended that classes provide an audio link for class members who are not yet comfortable returning to church, so they may participate virtually. (Visual links are not feasible at this time due to broadband limitations.)

Committee Meetings

1. Onsite meetings of church committees are permitted as of May 15.

2. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.

3. Masks and Social Distancing are optional.

4. It is recommended committees provide a zoom link for committee members who are not yet comfortable returning to church meetings.

Special Children and Youth Summer Ministries

1. All volunteers for children and youth summer ministries are requested to receive a Covid vaccination.

2. For volunteers who have been vaccinated, masks are optional. For volunteers who have not been vaccinated, masks are suggested.

3. Masks will be optional and social distancing encouraged for children and youth in indoor and outdoor settings.

4. Masks will be recommended for children, youth and volunteers in transportation settings (I.e. vans, buses etc.)

5. Masks and social distancing in mission settings will be governed by the policy of the mission facility.

Special Services and Outside Groups

1. Memorial Services and funerals will be conducted under the guidelines of traditional worship.

2. Weddings may be conducted under the guidelines of traditional worship.

3. Scheduling of all outside groups will resume when the Dallas Risk Marker turns “Green”.

Congregational Notification

1. Behold…include a letter from The Bishop if there is one with guidelines

2. SS newsletters

3. Constant Contact letter

4. Announce changes in basic steps in worship at appropriate time