Together at the Tower


We’re excited about our new early morning, outdoor worship option “Together at the Tower”.  Here are some things you’ll want to know as you enjoy this new onsite worship experience.

What: “Together at the Tower” is an early morning outdoor worship experience.  This informal worship features music, prayer and a message.

When: Starts Sunday, September 13, 8:30 – 9:00 am and continues weekly going forward

Where: Spring Valley UMC, the Northside (the Spring Valley Rd. side) Parking Lot

What you can bring:  Lawnchairs (if you want)

What you can expect:

·       When you enter the parking lot you will be guided to your parking space by parking attendants.

·       The Worship Platform will be set up on the North End (the Spring Valley side) of the Parking Lot.  You will be facing north (not into the sun) as you worship.

·       You will be parking in a “checker board” pattern facing north.  This means you will be parking in every other parking space, and the row behind you will stagger their parking so they will park facing into the empty parking space between vehicles.

·       You can choose to worship seated in your car or outside in the empty parking space in front of or behind your car (depending on your parking spot).  If you choose to sit outside please bring your own lawn chairs.  Chairs will not be available from the church.

·       If you worship in your car, you can tune into FM 98.7.  If you sit outside, we have adequate amplification.

·       An Order of Worship will be available on your phone at our website (  Paper copies are also available upon request from an attendant.

·       Please bring and plan to wear your mask!  If you are in “your space” (your car or the parking space directly in front or behind your car) and you are separated by 20 feet from anyone else wearing a mask is voluntary.  If you move out of “your space” to go to the restroom, to get bottled water or for any other reason you will come within 10 feet of a non-family member please wear your mask.

·       Masks made by the Spring Valley Craft Ladies will be available for $5 on the front steps of the church.

·       Restrooms will be available in the church.  We ask that you enter and occupy a restroom one person/family at a time.  A Red (Occupied)/Green (Open) reversible sign will be hanging on the door of the church and the restroom to assist you.  If you use the restroom, make sure you reverse the sign when entering and exiting.

·       Water Fountains will not be available.  Bottled Water is available on a limited basis In the loggia.

·       The Loggia will not be available for sitting or resting, unless in case of emergency.

·       An offering will not be received as part of worship.  If you wish to make a donation a box will be available by the Tower for you to drive by and “drop off” your donation as you leave worship.

·       We will have worship “Rain or Shine”.  If it rains we will reorient our parking and face the main front entry steps.

·       If you choose to remain in your car and leave your car running to use your air conditioner during worship, we ask you to park in the designated row near the rear of the lot.  Please let the parking attendant know.  Orange cones will mark that row.

·       A full and regular worship service will still be “live-streamed” at 11:00 am on  It will also be recorded and available for viewing at a later time.  Pre-recorded Worship will not be available earlier than 11:00 am.

·       Please know that this outside worship is a new experience for us as well as for you.  We are sure there will be a “learning curve”.  We appreciate your patience as we work to make “Together at the Tower” a meaningful and safe worship experience for all.  

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower.  The righteous run into it and they are safe.” 

Proverbs 18:10