Congregational Letter - September 4, 2020

September 4, 2020

Dear Friends at Spring Valley,

 Grace and peace as we begin September. I hope this letter finds you safe and well.

 It has been six months since we last met face to face. I’m grateful we’ve been able to stay connected “virtually” through online worship.  At the same time, I have so missed being with you and sharing in worship, education, and fellowship as a church family.

 As we head into the fall, we are still asking the same questions as we have for a number of months.  “When will we get back together?”. And the second question is, “What will that reopening look like?”

 Fortunately, we have some different answers to those questions than when I last emailed you in June.

 As you may remember the Bishop decided to monitor the COVID virus caseload as a determining factor in opening churches in the North Texas Conference.  And as you may know, that caseload is going down.  On September 2 Dallas County went to a “level orange” risk ranking (“Extreme Caution”) for the first time since the pandemic began. This is good news, not only for our church but for our community.  We are grateful for this development as an answer to prayer.

 The Bishop is still cautious about opening.  He has decided to keep the churches of the Metro District (Dallas County) closed through the end of September.  At the same time, he has encouraged the pastors to prepare for a possible opening in October, barring an unforeseen resurgence.  This is a disappointing yet understandable position.  At the same time, there is a “light of hope” for what is ahead.

 Even though we are not opening for inside, onsite worship, I celebrate with you our outside, onsite worship that will be starting on Sunday, September 13.  “Together at the Tower” will be an early morning, informal worship opportunity held from 8:30-9:00 a.m. in the north side (Spring Valley Rd. side) parking lot.  You have received an email with details and I am grateful for this development in face to face ministry.

 I also rejoice with you about other outside, onsite ministries we have shared together in the last month.  On Sunday evening, August 23 our children and families assembled in the parking lot and received a prayer blessing and backpack tag as they began the new school year with Blessing of the Backpacks.  Following this assembly, the Club 26, Youth and Youth families had a Picnic and Fellowship under the oaks.  Additionally, our women have been meeting for Women on Wednesday (WOW).  This group has circled in the south lot (Peyton side) for fellowship and support. It has been well attended. All these ministries have been conducted under the best policies and safe practices as outlined in the North Texas Conference and Dallas County guidelines.

 Even as these outside, onsite options are emerging I want to remind us of ministries currently available online.

 Sunday worship is available online at beginning at 6:00 a.m. every Sunday.  The posting time for this worship will change on Sunday, September 20.  Starting on Sunday, September 20 online worship will be live-streamed and recorded.  It will be available for viewing at 11:00 am. and following.

 Many adult Sunday School classes are meeting regularly by Zoom or conference calls.

 A daily blog,“The Pastor’s Workshop” is posted on and is also being emailed. This pastor's blog is a devotional guide which will enrich your Sunday worship.

Children's Sunday School lessons are being emailed each week.

 Youth are meeting via Zoom every Sunday at 6:00 p.m.

 I am grateful for this virtual outreach that has brought the blessing of ministry into our homes during these days.

Our second question is, “What will our reopening look like?”  At the beginning of August our Trustees and Church Council passed a Reopening Covenant.  It is a document outlining the policies and protocols we will practice as we reopen and detailing the spirit of mutual caring which will guide our gatherings. You can view the entire Reopening Covenant online on our website here.

 Many of the practices you are already familiar with from other settings. Masks, physical distancing, regular cleaning and disinfecting, minimized surface contacts, and hand sanitizing are all part of the policies.

 I know this has been a lengthy communication. I appreciate your patience in reading through it. If you have any particular questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at

 I also appreciate your continued mutual ministry with one another as a church family. None of us have ever experienced anything like what we are going through. In the midst of these difficult days, I have heard wonderful stories of how you have kept in contact and cared for one another. This mutual support has sustained our church. It is an expression of the Holy Spirit working in our midst. I praise God for this blessing.

As I said in my opening, I know how much we miss being with one another. The gift of fellowship is something we will never again take for granted. And I can't wait until we reopen our doors and are together.

 With faith in our gracious God, who leads us in these difficult yet hopeful days, I am grateful to continue forward in Christ's ministry now and always with you at Spring Valley.


Paul Gould, Pastor

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