Blessing of the Backpacks

Blessing of the Backpacks – Sunday, August 14th

Kick off back to school with us for the Blessing of the Backpacks.

Students please bring your backpacks to the 11 AM Services (Traditional and Common Ground) to be blessed. The students will receive a backpack tag to be a reminder of their blessing, and that their church family will be praying for them to have a safe and successful school year.

Welcome Reception for Rev. Rosedanny Ortiz

It’s our joy to receive Rev. Rosedanny Ortiz as our Associate Pastor at Spring Valley and welcome her family as part of our church family. On Sunday, July 17 immediately following 11:00 worship you’ll have opportunity to meet and greet Rosedanny, Luis, Sophia and Adrianna at a Welcome Reception in Wesley Hall.

You’re encouraged to come and extend your own personal and warm welcome to Rosedanny and her family as they enter into their ministry with us at Spring Valley.

Spring Valley Reads

Just Mercy, the award-winning novel by Bryan Stevenson, has been chosen by the Discipleship/Adult Education Ministry for the 2022 Spring Valley Reads.

Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those most desperate and in need: the poor, the wrongly condemned, and women and children trapped in the farthest reaches of our criminal justice system. One of his first cases was that of Walter McMillian, a young man who was sentenced to die for a notorious murder he insisted he didn’t commit. The case drew Bryan into a tangle of conspiracy, political machination, and legal brinksmanship—and transformed his understanding of mercy and justice forever.

The Books are sold out. Please check with your local library, order from Amazon, or download on your reading device.

The book discussion will be held on September 18, following the 11 o’clock church service. Please make reservation with Pat Christley: 214-498-5806 or

Anna Hosemann Butler - A Program on Psalms

July 17, 24 and 31, from 9:45-10:45 am, Anna will be presenting to Aldersgate, Beacons and Seekers a study of Psalms in the Beacons classroom (Asbury Hall).

Anna was our Associate Pastor between 2004 and 2008. After 23 years in the ministry at 4 churches, she retired in 2017. In returement, she has consulted and is doing advocacy work on behalf of women in areas of poverty and access to health care.

Summer Series: What Jesus Wants to Know

A good question is powerful! A good question opens, explores, reveals what often lies unexamined. A good question helps us to look at important parts of our lives that are significant. A good question doesn’t have an easy answer, but instead is often a “living question”, shaping how we live our lives. Such are the questions of Jesus.

When you follow Jesus in his ministry he was always asking questions. Over 100 are documented in the Gospels. This summer we’ll spend seven weeks with seven questions that not only Jesus asks, but Jesus wants us to ask ourselves. It will be a thought provoking and faith expanding journey In Traditional Worship as this week (July 17) we explore what Jesus Wants to Know about the Blind Spots in our lives.

Rough Riders Game!

Roughriders Game

 Join us Saturday, August 6th at 7:05 pm for the Roughriders Game!

 Tickets for $25 per person.

 The church has reserved 25 tickets. If needed we can reserve more.

 Your ticket will include a $10 voucher for the concession stand. Be sure to stay after the game for fireworks on the field!

 Please contact Shea Harrington if you have any questions.

 ***2 and under do not require a ticket.


Roughriders Tickets

Youth Mission Trip

Youth Mission Trip - June 21-26
Our current 7th-12th grade students will be headed to Houston, TX to work with the Home Restoration Team. They will be restoring homes that have been damage by recent storms.


  • June 20- Packing Day and Meet Your Team: 7:00-8:30 PM

  • June 21 - Meet at church 8 AM load vans (lunch on the road)

  • Arrive at Mission Center 2 PM - Then Worksite Orientation

  • June 22-24 - Full day at the worksites 9 AM - 4 PM

  • June 25 - Half day at the worksite then Fun Night Out!

  • June 26 - Worship Service then home around 10 AM (lunch on the road)

    • Arrive back at Spring Valley UMC around 4 PM

Click here for Registration and Forms


Bake Sale for Youth Missions

Bake Sale for Youth Missions – Sunday, May 1st 
This summer our Club 26 students will be serving their community here in the Dallas during their Mission Days, and our Youth Group students will be serving down in Houston, TX with The Restoration Team on their Mission Trip.

The students will have a Bake Sale to raise money for their upcoming Mission Trips. It will be Sunday, May 1stduring Sunday School and after the 11 AM services.

Your charitable donations will impact the lives of the people they serve and the lives of the students participating.

Your giving will fund these projects and go towards scholarships for students.

Thank you for supporting our student ministries!

For more information and to give online – Youth Missions Fundraiser 2022
Contact – Shea Harrington

Worship Arts Camp 2022

Worship Arts Camp 2022

It’s that time of year again! Time to think about summer camps and summer plans! We are thrilled to offer our annual Worship Arts Camp this summer at SVUMC!

Monday, Jun 13 (9:00 am) to Friday, Jun 17 (7:30 pm)

Worship Arts Camp is a week-long camp encouraging children to tap into various fine arts as a tool for worship. 

WHEN: June 13th - 17th

WHO: Ages: 1-year-old (as of 9-1-21)-entering 7th grade.


  • Weekly Schedule for K-6

    • 9:00 am-12:30 pm Mon-Thurs & Fri 10:30-5:30 pm when family and friends are invited to the show at 5:30 pm.

  • To register a preschool-aged child (a child that has not yet attended kindergarten), contact Suzan Meyer at

    • The schedule for preschool will be slightly different.

Preschool-aged children will participate in a week of activities geared specifically for them.  They will have crafts, stories, movement, and music on their level.  Parents of 1-2-year-olds will be invited to an Open House at 11 am on Friday to view their artwork and hear them sing.  3-5-year-olds will offer a short presentation before the musical at 5:30 pm and be included in a few scenes of the show. 

Elementary-aged children will participate in various worship arts activities such as movement, art, acting, and music.  This will culminate in a fully staged 40-minute musical, "Jonah’s Druthers".

Jonah, the prophet of Israel, sends and receives telegraphs to and from the Living God on behalf of the people, and all is fine until the Lord tells him to go to that “dirty, rotten, flea-bitten foreign city called Ninevah” and preach against it! So, wouldn’t ya’ know it, instead of boardin’ the east-bound train to Ninevah, Jonah hops a west-bound stage to Tarshish!

When a big storm comes up on the prairie, threatening to blow the stage over, the driver rolls the dice and up comes Jonah’s number as the one who must be angering “the gods.” Jonah confesses that he is running the opposite direction from what Jehovah instructed him, and he is thrown off the stage and lands in a … well (say it with yer best cowboy twang!). No, not a whale … an old, abandoned well, where he languishes for 3 days and 3 nights. And … you know what happens from there! Once again, like in all Little Big Stuff musicals, it all points to Jesus, and the Good News of the gospel.
Children, 3rd grade and up, will have an opportunity to auditioned ahead of time for lead roles.  You will have an opportunity to indicate if your child would like to audition for a lead role.  Information, including an audition date and audition materials, will be sent out one month before the camp.

Tuition covers the cost of craft supplies, sets, snacks, t-shirts, dinner for the children on Friday night, staff costs, and rights to the show.

Friday night dinner will only be provided to the children before they perform. 

Scholarships are available, we want all to be able to participate in all that God does during this amazing week.

Registration is Limited!!

Holy Week

Save the Date for all of our Holy Week Activities

Palm Sunday “Lamb of God” - Join us on Palm Sunday as our music ministry presents a powerful morning of worship. "Lamb of God" is a musical portrayal of the final days of Jesus, composed and written by Rob Gardner. This work features the Spring Valley Chancel Choir, Professional Orchestra, singers from Broadway and beyond.

Holy Thursday - Join us on Holy Thursday for a sacred evening as we commemorate Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. As he washed their feet and celebrated the Sedar, he called all of his followers into paths of service and provided the holy understanding of how his brokenness on the Cross makes us whole in his love. Join in this time at the table of Holy Communion at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Good Friday - "It is finished." Jesus' final words on the Cross are not only about this death, but how his death completes God's ultimate work of salvation. Come and share in this solemn and sacred Service of Darkness at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Easter Sunday - Early on the first Easter the women went to the tomb and found the stone rolled away and Jesus Christ Risen! Celebrate the joy and triumph of this greatest victory of God for Life and Love in the Resurrection of Christ. Worship will be at 8:30 am and 11:00 am with Sunday School at 9:45 am. Our children will celebrate in a special way with our Resurrection Walk during Sunday School.

Club 26 Outing - Urban Air

Sunday, March 27, 2022 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Urban Air - North Dallas

14902 Preston Rd

Dallas, TX 75254

Club 26 Outing - Urban Air - Sunday, March 27th 12:30-2:30 PM

  • Club 26 (5th-6th Grade) Outing - Team building and fun! Invite your friends!

  • Pizza lunch provided!

  • Cost of event: $15

  • Location-Urban Air

    • Parents please drop off and pick up at this location.

    • 14902 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75254

IMPORTANT Waivers MUST be completed before student arrives at Urban Air.

Click here for Registration and Online Wavier

***20 spot reserved but can add on if needed

Pancakes and Jazz

Lent is holy season where we as people of faith prepare for our Lord’s crucifixion and resurrection. These forty days are marked by prayer, Scripture study and self denial.

Traditionally at Spring Valley, prior to Lent, we have celebrated with “Fat Sunday” Pancakes and Jazz. It has been a joyous time of fellowship before the more somber season.

This year we look forward to this tradition with a new and expanded celebration of “Fat Sunday”. Thanks to the leadership of our Congregational Life Team and Common Ground Planning Team we’ll be broadening this tradition in some wonderful ways!

Here are the changes:

· Instead of a Pancake & Jazz Breakfast our meal will be a Pancake & Jazz Brunch.

· The date for the Pancake & Jazz Brunch will be Sunday, February 27.

· Time for the brunch will be at noon.

· Our guest list will be expanding. As always, members and friends of Spring Valley are all invited. Yes, pIease invite your friends to this fun and festive brunch. In addition we’re inviting new friends from University of Texas at Dallas and the Northwood Hills Apartments.

· We are requesting that members of the UTD student body help us enhance our experience of Lent and help shed light on this season for those who might be unfamiliar with its spiritual richness.

· To this end, we are asking them to bring their works of art (paintings, sketches, poetry, collages, small sculptures, photography, etc.) that reflect their own connection to or practice of Lent.

· Additionally, there will be painting stations set up for those who would like to create a piece of art on site.

· These pieces will be displayed in Wesley Hall throughout the Lenten season.

· The Brunch will be a “Come-and-Go event” "program"

· Masks are required

· Dress is casual

We are excited about this new and expanded celebration of “Fat Sunday” and look forward to sharing in this special time with you.

Carter Blood Drive 2021

Spring Valley United Methodist Church Sunday, May 31, 2020 1000 am - 300 pm (1).png

Every blood donation saves up to three lives! And with an even more desperate need due to the current pandemic ( our community supply is low), we have a chance to come together and #GiveForLife. The need for blood locally has brought an increased urgency for blood donations and they especially need Type O. Please join us for this drive if you are healthy and able so that we can help rebuild the blood supply.