God calls us to follow.

It’s good to be together on this Thursday.  I’m glad we can “head into the homestretch” in our time of preparation In the Pastor’s Workshop.

Today  we “pray” and “put it all together”.   We look at all our notes from Monday – Wednesday.  We are open to a creative moving of the Spirit.  And we write and write and write (we write it out!).

As you know the title for our message is “Ready to Reopen? Reassure Your Doubts”.   Our Scripture text is from the story of Gideon in the Old Testament, Judges 6:14-21, 36-40.  These are famous verses about “the fleece” and Gideon testing God. 

As we have done our work, here are talking points emerging for me for Sunday.

God calls all of us to “Follow”.  Following is part of our faith.

How we do that varies greatly.  Some “dive right in”.  They “take the plunge”.  There is nothing that seems to hold them back.  The first disciples who responded to Jesus’ call to follow are a great example.  It says in the Scriptures, these fishermen left their nets immediately when Jesus called and followed him.

And then there are others, like Gideon, where God calls and they have reservations, hesitations, doubts and fears.  God calls and they make up excuses and set up tests for God before they’ll move ahead.

In this Scripture God called Gideon to be a “Mighty Warrior”.  He was to liberate the Israelites from the Midianites. Gideon’s response was to test God four times.

Instead of getting perturbed, God was patient and persistent.  God worked with Gideon, guiding him and growing him through these tests.  God was doing important “internal” work with Gideon. God provided an encouraging word, an answered prayer, a “successful trial”, and even a “confirmation” so Gideon would know God was with him. God was reassuring Gideon’s doubts so Gideon could step forward with confidence and engage the challenge of God’s commission.

Gideon is not alone.  In my own experience I have known doubts and reservations when God has called me to follow.  I have also seen how God reassures doubts.  I have heard the same witness from others as they have spoken of answered prayers, encouraging words and confirming experiences that reassured their fears.

As we consider our guiding question, “Are we ready to reopen?”, there are some who are ready to “dive right in”, “take the plunge”, and “get with it”.  Then there are others who have reservations and hesitations.

The Scripture lets us know that having doubts and fears is OK.  It’s common, normal and part of being human.  God works with us at those places in our lives, doing internal work, which readies us for whatever answer, whatever future God is leading us into.

There’s a “Blessed Assurance” and there’s a “Blessed Reassurance”.  I’m glad God gives both gifts of grace as we seek to follow faithfully.

This is the outline for my message.  As always there will be enhancements and enrichments, additional illustrations and developments to “fill out” the message.

What are your “talking points”?  Sometimes if you jot down 5-7 “bullet points” you would say, it will help solidify the message God is speaking to you.  I would always encourage you to journal these.  Journaling the Scripture is a great habit that will grow you in your faith.

Over the next few days we’ll have time to review our message.  Make sure to do that.  Think about how your message will be received by your hearers.  Are there changes you can make so your message will be clearer, cleaner, and more accessible to your hearers?

I’m grateful for this time of reflection.  And I’m thankful for our prayer time on Saturday.  With both those blessings in mind, I’ll let you get to work and pray God’s creating guidance with you. 

And I look forward to joining with you again on Saturday in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank You for this day and this week.  Thank you for the Scripture and Your creative Spirit moving through Your Word.  Thank You for Your call to follow in faith.  And thank You for the reassurance You provide which strengthens us in our fears and guides us into Your future.  In these gifts of Your grace we lift up this prayer, in the name of Jesus our Lord.  Amen.