Reassure Your Doubts.

Greetings on this Tuesday!  Good to be with you in the Pastor’s Workshop.

This week we’re preaching the second message in our series entitled, “Ready to Reopen?”  It’s based on the story of Gideon in Judges 6 and 7.

Our first message “Recover Your Confidence” encouraged us to not be afraid to consider this guiding question, “Are we ready to reopen?”   Instead we were invited to be open to entertaining what it would mean to reopen, knowing that we can do so wisely and well.  The Scripture highlighted that confidence is found in the covenant relationship we share with God and through the commission God gives us to be about God’s work in our world.

Our second message is entitled “Reassure Your Doubts”.  Just because we are encouraged to be confident doesn’t mean that we won’t have doubts, questions and fears.  In Scripture for this week Judges 6:14-21, 36-40 we see Gideon had all of those.

On Tuesday we look for an underlying logic in the Scripture.  The whole notion of having doubt about God’s leading is all through this Scripture.  At the same time God’s reassurance runs continuously in  the text. 

In verse 15 Gideon asks, “How can I save Israel?”  God answers in verse 16, “I will be with you.”

In verse 17 Gideon says, “If I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that I may know it is really you talking to me.”  Gideon brings an offering of a sacrificial meal to the angel.  And in verse 21 the angel “consumes” Gideon’s offering in a flash of fire.

In verse 36-37 Gideon says to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand as you have said, look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor.  If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said.”  In verse 38 God sends so much dew that Gideon wrings out a bowlful of water.

In verse 39 Gideon says to God, “Do not angry with me.  Let me make just one more request.  Allow me one more test with the fleece…” This time the test is that the fleece is dry and the ground is to be covered with dew.  In verse 40 it says, “That night God did so.”

In each of the four “tests” Gideon seeks reassurance.  And God patiently provides it every time.

For me there is great grace in this Scripture.  Sometimes following God’s leading in life is challenging and hard.  It stretches us.  We question.  We need a “fleece” to know we’re on the right track.  We need a sign to go forward.

And God provides.  Maybe the sign is an answered prayer.  Maybe it’s a word of encouragement that really touches your heart.  Maybe it’s a successful experience.  Maybe it’s a meaningful learning.   There are many ways God provides reassurance we need to keep us moving forward in faith.

As you consider this text this week I invite you to think about signs God has given you that have encouraged you in your walk of faith.  There is not only a “Blessed Assurance” (as the hymn says) there is also a “Blessed Reassurance”.

In that faith I’ll let you get to remembering and reflecting.  As you do I invite you to write down your thoughts. 

I’m grateful for our time today and I look forward to being with you tomorrow in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank You for Your call to follow You in faith each day.  We both know that some days are more challenging than others and sometimes we have doubts, questions and fears.  At the same time we’re grateful for Your patience and reassurance that keeps us going forward.  In that grace we give You thanks in Jesus’ name.  Amen