
It’s good to be together on this Tuesday.  I’m grateful I can spend time with you in the Pastor’s Workshop.

As you know we’re beginning a brand new series, “Begin with Basics”.  It’s a timely series.  As we head into August, we’re gearing up for all before us.  There’s fall, a new school year, hopefully a further “reopening” of our church, community, and country.  Even in the midst of the pandemic, life moves ahead.

The series is based on the premise that “If you start right, things go better and if things go better, you can finish well”.  “Starting Right” is critical.

As we “Begin with Basics” we’ve decided to begin at the very beginning – of the Bible and all things. Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning, God…”  We’ve also chosen to clarify this opening affirmation with a truth from I John 4:8.  It’s not simply “God is…”.  More completely, “God is … love”.

On a typical Tuesday in the workshop we spend time analyzing the structure of a text.  We usually look for a logic of how a truth is presented.  We seek underlying themes that unite verses of a Scripture. But with our chosen texts being so brief this week, on the surface there doesn’t appear to be much to work with.

But if you “dive a little deeper” you see there are three “huge realities” we’re exploring.  We’re looking into “Beginnings”, “God” and “Love”.  We’re reflecting on the question, “How do these three realities relate to one other?”  When you put them together, what’s the “big picture”?  What does this “picture” mean to us today?

If you think about it, today and everyday are full of “beginnings”.  You got out of bed – that’s a beginning.  Maybe from there you have a prayer – that’s a beginning of today’s time with God.  Maybe you turn on the news – that’s a beginning of today’s time with the world. Maybe you get the kids up – that’s a beginning of serving your family.  Maybe you head out to a job– that’s a beginning of serving others.  You get the idea. Each day is full of beginnings.

And Genesis 1:1 makes this affirmation of faith, “In the beginning, God”.  In each beginning, God is there.   Taking that “Bible word” and making it “your word” (your affirmation about each of your beginnings) will change how you engage in those moments.  Not only that, but when you affirm that the God present in your beginnings  is a God of love this faith will shape how you “share life” in your interactions.

I John 4:7-9 builds on this whole theme.  As we read this Scripture we see the Apostle John calling us to “love one another” (vs. 7) because “love is from God”.  When we “love one another” we are living into the affirmation that in the beginning of every conversation and interaction, our God of love is in that “beginning”.

As you see, when you begin with these three basic ideas there are significant consequences.  When you begin with these basics you will “start right”.  And when you “start right” things will go better and you will finish well.

It’s a big and beautiful thought … “In the beginning, God” … “in all our beginnings, our God of love”.   Today I invite you to reflect on that truth.  Meditate on what that reality means for you.

As you do, make sure you take notes.  You’ll want to preserve your thoughts as leadings of God’s Spirit for you through this Scripture.

In that blessing, I’ll let you think, pray and write.  And I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow in the Pastor’s Workshop.

Prayer:  Gracious God, thank You for each new day and every new beginning .  Thank You for how You are God present in the very “Beginning” and in each beginning.  Thank You that You are present in love.  Thank you for the difference Your loving presence makes as I live into this truth of my faith today.  In the name of the One whom in his coming is the witness of God’s love for our world, Jesus Christ our Lord.